martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

SEO Page Template – a Useful Summary of the Best Practices in terms of Page Tags and SEO

Title Tag: Place a UNIQUE ACCURATE Title with 3-5 Keywords for EACH and EVERY PAGE on your Website

Place Your Page Title with PRIORITY KEYWORDS Here
– It’s Good to REPEAT the [TITLE] Tag Again in the H1 Field. By the way, Google LOVES the H1 Tag!

Remember that you can use CSS / Style sheets to modify the look and feel of the page, including the H1, H2 Tags.

Body. Each page needs to have what Google calls ‘Good Content.’ By that, don’t forget that you are writing for real human beings. When they are doing a Google search, they are looking for useful content. Be sure to include your keywords, frequently on the page, but in a correct and normal way.

With respect to the page’s target keyword or keyphrase, you are looking for a keyword density of perhaps 3-7% of the total page. Again, you want it to read like normal English, and embed the target keyword / keyphrase as many times as would make sense. But be sure that there is a correspondence between your target keyword and the page content. After all, you cannot optimize on a keyword if you do not include that in your text!

Use the H2 Tag for a Few Less Important Headings – Be Sure to Include Your Keywords

This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer.

This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer.

Use the Anchor Tag

If needed or possible, build a list of links to other pages on your website and be sure to embed your keywords / keyphrases inside the anchor tags as follows.

  • Keyword1 – Here is a description of this keywords / keyphrases that entices the reader to click. Notice how the keywords / keyphrases is embedded inside the A HREF tag!

  • Keyword1 – Here is a description of this keywords / keyphrases that entices the reader to click. Notice how the keywords / keyphrases is embedded inside the A HREF tag!

  • Keyword1 – Here is a description of this keywords / keyphrases that entices the reader to click. Notice how the keywords / keyphrases is embedded inside the A HREF tag!

Image Tags – Use Image Tags by Naming Images with Keywords and Using the ALT TXT attribute to contain keywords

”KeywordsThis is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer. This is some text. This is a page of text that would have keywords / keyphrases and explain your value proposition to your end user, potential customer, or existing customer.

Other Tags

Beyond the tags above, and especially in your visible text, use tags like the BOLD and ITALICS tag to indicate the importance of particular keywords / keyphrases. You are trying to tell Google what this page is about, and by placing keywords / keyphrases within the hierarchical structure of page tags you are communicating not just what the page is about, but the priority of inspanidual tags. So place your most important keywords in your [TITLE] tag, follow that by your [h1] and [h2] Tag, etc. In the body, repeat the keywords / keyphrases tag many times, but do not overdo it.

Also use pull down lists or comment tags that contain the keywords / keyphrases But as in many things of life, a little is good, and a lot can be bad. So be moderate in your use of keywords vs. page tags and strive for good, well structured, and well displayed content.

martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Hamburguesa de cordero de Hamburguesas Carbón & Sabor

Carbón y sabor se ha hecho un nombre en la  historia de la comida rápida  (Antiguo post) desde 1975,  siendo los inventores de la hamburguesa de cordero (palabra clave principal)Nuestro éxito ha sido fenomenal y probado por incontables premios a la mejor hamburguesa y las numerosas visitas de celebridades. Encuentra nuestros más de 1000 locales.
Hamburguesa de cordero (Imágen con alt text)

Horario y ubicaciones

Estamos abiertos las 24/7, nuestros administradores son zombies que nunca duermen. Estamos incluso en la Antartica! esta es la lista de nuestros locales y horarios de atención.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Lorem ipsum dolor
La carne de cordero es mejor (palabras relevantes usadas como sub títulos)

texto del alt
Cordero lechal (Imágen con alt text)
La carne de cordero tiene menos calorias (link a una fuente validadora confiable) y mayor cantidad de proteinas que la res, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque posuere, purus consequat eleifend pretium, nulla purus gravida ante, a euismod dui diam vulputate purus. Ut lacinia erat nec la mejor hamburguesa (link al home) dictum commodo. Curabitur lorem nibh, tomates, lechuga, queso (términos relacionados) volutpat id lacus a, volutpat vestibulum ligula. Quisque ac empanadas (términos relacionados) imperdiet ante. In quis felis nisi. Vivamus bibendum aceite de oliva (términos relacionados) adipiscing lacus ut aliquet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus facilisis mi hendrerit, congue mi eget, elementum magna.

Ven y disfruta de la hamburguesa de cordero de Carbón & Sabor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque posuere, purus consequat eleifend pretium, nulla purus gravida ante, a euismod dui diam vulputate purus. Ut lacinia erat nec dictum commodo. Curabitur lorem nibh, volutpat id lacus a.